Evening Express from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

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10 MARCH 14 1929 OUTSIDER'S VICTORY 0 ANOTHER Llftc SCRATCHINq PACKHAM TO IRISH ROMANCE WATERLOO CUP SENSATION MONEY AND MARKETS THURSDAY- SURPRISE STATEMENT AT GARAGE INQUEST CONTINUED FROM PAGE I If you are thinking of this clothing some of which is covered to such a large extent by oil I cannot see a likely stain and go for it It is hidden as it were If 1 know there is blood oil will not interfere with the test Mr Trapnell: All you can tell us is that you have not found blood on those garments but you cannot say absolutely there is no blood there? That is so EVIDENCE Joseph George Mitchell contractor of of Woodfalls near Salisbury said he advertise din a Southampton newspaper in October and received in reply a letter on the 23rd Podmore was the man whom he saw in regard to that letter which stated that tihe writer was married with no children and had been in the motor trade for 15 years He received another letter on Tuesday October 30 signed in Which the writer said: I shall be free tomorrow Tuesday and can come over Wednesday or The letter added that Thomas supposed there would be no difficulty in finding a room for himself and his wife On Tuesday October 30 I saw Pod-more at my private house between 1 and 130 pin Podmore arrived at the works on Saturday November 3 after I had had a telephone conversation with him He left my service on the Friday evening before Christmas" The Coroner: You suspected him of theft? Yes but not at the time lie left me He came and suggested he should have a leave When did you suspect him of theft? Afterwards on the same evening He did work on your cars? Did you find him efficient or inefficient? I am afraid I found him inefficient Mr Trapnell How was he dressed on October 27? So far as I can recollect in a blue suit and kind of mackintosh Thomas said he was working for a firm who were running a fleet of lorries between Southampton and London that he would have to work all night as he had promised to get a lorry ready by Sunday and that he was leaving because of friction with his son Podmore arrived on Tuesday October 30 because he had said he could call on the Wednesday When Podmore arrived for work on November 3 he was advanced £1 because he said he had lost some money Hie wage was £2 10s plus overtime and when he left he had about £10 With the consent Mr Lissy then took Podmore into an ante-room for a brief oonsultatin On his return Mr Lisby questioned Mr Mitchell who said that he saw Podmore by appointment in Southampton on the Saturday after October 23 Podmore said he had not given his employer notice but would arrange to leave soon Mr Mitchell added that lie did not think Tuesday October 30 was mentioned The Coroner pointed oufc when Mr Lissy was continuing his cross-examination that Mr evidence corroborated statements except that there was a slight difference of an hour of one visit ALD WADE DEACON Prior to the meeting of Lancashire County Council at today Aider-man Wade Deacon who was unanimously re-elected chairman was presented with his portrait in oils subscribed bv the members of the County Council Standing Joint Committee and Education Committee The portrait was painted by Mr John A Berry ICC A of Liverpool Alderman Travis Clegg (vice-chairman) made the presentation 10 11 Birthmark a tMai Harrison) Rayson 0 3 0 9 Royal Rowland 5yg (Mr Emanuel) Ingham 0 10 7 First a (Mr Platt) Morgan 0 10 6 Llandreamer 6ys (Mr S-Brelherton) Butchers 0 (Winner trained by Blair) 9 to 4 agst Royal Rowland 3 to 1 Merebrook 9 to 2 First 7 to 1 ARUNTIUS 10 to 1 Llandreamer and 100 to 8 others Won by a neck three lengths 3 0A-MURLAND HCAP STEEPLECHASE of 200 sovs second to receive 20 sovs and third 10 sovs Two miles and about 25 yards (325) 11 13 SANDY HOOK a (Mrs null) Fish 1 11 13 KISSER a (Mr Thompson) Rees 2 11 9 BOLSHEVIST a (Capt Sassoon) Owner 3 3 2 0 Wind Swept a (Ld Grimthorpe) Hogan 0 12 3 Firecracker a (Miss C-IIubbersty) I Rees 0 12 1 Wroxham Bridge 6ys (Capt Petre) Mr Thackeray 0 11 13 Pride a (Mrs Mure) Thrale 0 11 8 Daring Boy 6ys (Mr Duly is) Moloney 0 11 7 Rossieny a (Mr Emanuel) Rayson 0 11 7 Tooteuhill a (Mrs B-Preton) Grotty 0 11 4 Calibre 6ys (Ld Stanley) Speck 0 10 10 Drumhirk a (Mr Deterding) Owner 0 10 9 Lovely Bird a (Mr Knight) Ancil 0 (Winner trained by Loader) 3 to 1 agst Kisser 7 to 2 Daring Boy 6 to 1 Wind Swept 7 to 1 Wroxham Bridge 8 to SANDY HOOK 10 to 1 each Calibre and Tootonhill and 100 to 8 others Won by two lengths five lengths 3CfY-FAIRMILE STEEPLECHASE of 200 sovs second to -eoeive 25 sevs and third 10 bovs Two miles and about 25 yards (353) 1111 MELRUSH a (Capt Sassoon) Hogan 1 11 11 GUIDING LIGHT a (Mr Morgan 2 11 4 ANNA GODDEN 5ys (Mrs Manning) Mr Goode 3 11 4 Miss Megan a (Mr Cazalet) Kelly 0 (Winner trained by Martin) 6 to 5 on Guiding Light 11 to 8 agst MELRUSH and 100 to 8 others Won by a distance 12 lengths 4OA-L1TTLEW0RTH NATIONAL HUNT FLAT RACE 200 sovs second to receive 25 sovs and third 10 sovs Two rai-s 32 3 Strong On a (Mr Best wick) Mr Hobbs 0 12 3 East Galway a (Mr Shepherd) Mr Thackeray 0 11 7 Save make a (Mr Anson) The Master of Gray 0 11 7 Doldrums a (Col Hill-Dillon) Owher 0 11 7 Gold Flare a (Mr Woodville) Mr Kirk 0 11 5 Dream 5ys (Mr Horne) Mr Cundell 0 FOR RESULT SEE STOP PRESS CATTER1CK 130-TRIPLEX (W Thatcher) 1 Pickwell 2 Ace of Blades 3 Also ran: Kiltaghan Retrieve Watt Tyler Colindale Silver Lad 3 to 1 each agst Silver Lad and Kiltaghan 7 to 2 TRIPLEX 5 to 1 Colindale and 10 to 1 others Won by 15 lengths neck HORNLESS (A Birch) 1 Marza 2 May 3 Also ran: His Excellency King of Troy Speckled Band Flying Flag and Flying Sirrah 11 to 8 agst Flying Flag 7 to 2 Marza 6 to 1 each Speckled Band and HORNLESS and 10 to 1 others Won by a neck 15 lengths MELEGRET (K Piggott) 1 Zeus 2 Piltr down 3 Also ran Ireland Green Polange Roman Ridicule Spionway Fabulist Irish Cheddar 5 to 2 agst Fabulist 11 to 4 MFXE GRET 4 to 1 Irish Cheddar 7 to 1 Zeus 8 to 1 Piltdown and 100 to 8 others Won by five lengths 15 lengths oO-PHANTOM ROBERT Piggott) LUCK (J Richardson) Fraticelli 3 Also ran Front Line Ballymurphy Woolhampton Girdle Hosedene Soundless Old Guard llabeo Romantic Gapped Louvois Prize Lucky Son Highland Lad Phantom Jira 7 to 2 each agst Fraticelli and Louvois Prize 11 to 2 Soundless 6 to 1 Lucky Son 8 to 1 each Old Guard and PHANTOM ROBERT 10 to 1 Rosedene 100 to 8 LUCK and others Dead-heat: 12 lengths TEST MATCH (Owner) 1 Dennisco 2 True Knight 3 Also run: White Cargo and Arklow 2 to 1 agst White Cargo 5 to 2 Arklow 3 to 3 each TEST MATCH and Dennisco and 100 to 7 True Knight Won by 20 lengths 10 lengths AMPULLA (Mr Armstrong) 1 Pablo 2 Hereford Jad 3- Also ran: Orange Plume Bruff Battle Dunzar Kerry Battle Broken Road Betting 5 to 4 agst AMPULLA 7 to 4 Pablo 6 to 1 Dunzar 8 to 1 Hereford La and 100 to 8 other Won by a head 12 length OFFICIAL SCRATCHINGS Lincolnshire Orbindos by 10 P-m March 13 The Parthian Osmond II and Dark Mystery at 9 am March 14- Doncaster St Diane de Savoie Osmond II Parthian Maid and The Par nan at 3 am March 14 2000 The Parthian at 9 am March 14 All published Flashing Light at 1150 am March 14 Stanley Liverpool-Gold Heart Past and Present 'Chase (Grand Military Meeting) Virtue and Clifden Champion Vas Voir II All Princess Volante and Pointe Bleu LONDON BETTING 100 to 14 agst SCINTILLATION and 8 to 1 MfKCOU and 1 00 to 7 UMSLOP AG A AS and ti 100 to 6 NFSTORfAN and 100 to 6 CAPORAL 20 to 1 20 to 1 GAR NOCK and 25 to 1 SAINT FORTUNAT lode TO MAGISTRATES MAKE ORDER AN ALLEGED THEFT Evening Express Correspondent LEIGH Today Charles II Boyle aged ifi Ilallhouse Cottage Leigh was at Leigh today bound over for two years in the sum of £25 and ordered to be in tlie bouse each night 'by 9 pm and to go to church at least every Sunday for stealing a cash-box containing 30s The boy two years ago saved another life from drowning in the canal and received the Royal Humane certificate Ho was dull and suffered from adenoids The magistrates recommended the boy to go into the infirmary for his complaint MR ROBERT RANKIN Holiday in France Before the Election Mr Robert candidate for Rankin Kirkdale Conservative Division of MR ROBERT RANKIN Liverpool left Liverpool today France in the PSNC liner Orita He is joining Mrs Rankin at Bordeaux and will return to Liverpool in a'fortniglit His wife went to France some weeks ago for health reasons LANCS GOLF TITLE HOLDER AGAIN REACHES THE FINAL The concluding stages of the Lanca' shire Golf Championship were played today at St Annes Old Links Miss Brown is the present title holder while lier oppouent held the honour two I ears ago Miss Brown had a fairly comfortable journey against Miss Singleton She was out in 39 and at this stage was five up The other semi-final between Miss Corlett and Mns Bull was a close affair Miss Corlett was four down with five to play but she made a remarkable recove ry She drew level at the eighteenth and went on to win the match at the next hole For the final there was a large crowd Miss Corlett was one up at the turn At the seventh hole Miss Corlett was two up when she holed a long putt from the edge oi the green after being bunkered SEMI-FINALS Miss Brown (Formby) boat Miss Singleton (Knott End and Fleetwood) 6 and 4 Miss Corlett (Royal Lythara and St beat Mrs Bull (Royal Lytham St at 19th MISS WETHERED RETURNS Mies Joyce Wethered has decided definitely to come out of her retirement in order to compete in the Britisih championship which will be played at St Andrews in May ALLIANCE GOLF St Helens Pair Leading at Huyton A four-ball Liverpool Alliance com petition was played over the Huyton golf course today Returns: FIRST ROUND Parr and Large (St Helens) 4 up Dixon-Nuttall and Large (Huyton) 3 np Wright and Bond (West Lancs Ladies) 2 up A Dickinson and Bee (Leasowe) 2 up Jones and Robertson (West Lancs Ladies) 2 up Birch and Saynor (BirkdaJe) 1 up A Short and Lloyd (West Lancs) 1 up Tomlinson and Speake (Allerton) 1 np Roth well (Allerton) and Lott (Childwall) 1 up Butterworth and Rimmer (Bidston) 1 down A Niven and Batten (S and A) 1 down Bardsley and Boyle (Bowring) 1 down Dr Garner and A Davies (Wallasey) 1 dowi Lightfoot and Jarman (Prenton) 1 down Heaton and Winder (St Helens) 2 down Jones and Marshall (Southport) 2 down Taylor and Bentley (Hesketh) 2 down Littler (Childwall) and Catterall (West Derby) 2 down Nutter and neath (Huyton) 3 down Canncy and Bmmner (Freshfield) 3 down A Ilund and Winstanley (Bowring) 3 down Jeffries and Roberts (S and A) 3 down Dr Pierce and James (Huyton) 4 down II Lewis and Rae (Fulwood) 4 down Veale and Shothall (Childwall) 5 down Glynne Evans and Roberts (Huyton) 5 down 11 Taylor and Uawkwel (Hillside) 6 down Whallen and Kagan (lluyton) 9 down ECLIPSE North-east Winds Drought May Continue Evening Express Correspondent LONDON Today The warm spring weather which England enjoyed for over a week has relapsed badly into the normal chill of March The present conditions (cloudy with north-east winds) are likely to continue for the next few days at least and a continuance of the drought is expected A large anticyclone covers the British Isles and no appreciable change is indicated CREWE ALEXANDRA Evening Express Correspondent CREWE Today The financial situation of the Crewe Alexandra FC has reached such an acute stage that a public subscription fund has been opened with a view to relieve the position club has a bank overdraft of £2600 and are suffering financial losses at practically every home iuotoh through the inadequate suport accorded FARM HANDS FOR CANADA Eight Liverpool men are among 250 unemployed men who have been trained for farm work by the Ministry of Labour and form the first contingent to sail from Liverpool to Canada tomorrow Another group of 140 sail next week These men have had a 14 weeks course at the training centres at Claydon (Ipswich) and Brandon and all are single and between the ages of 19 and 3d BOY TO GO CHURCH 20 TO 1 WINNER AT CHELTENHAM NATIONAL TRIALS Two public Grand National trials were brought off today one at Cheltenham and the other at Sandown Park Among the Liverpool candidates who ran at isandown Park in the Select were Ardeen Beech Martin Ballystockart Le Touquet and Toy Bell and all were beaten by Donegal Ardeen finishing second and Toy Bell third The National Hunt Trial Handicap Steeplechase at Cheltenham attracted Koko Duke of Florence Skrun Prince Overdraft Merrivale II and Wild Edgar the field numbering 18 Although reported on the spot Sprig was not pulled out The prize of £850 was won by Donzelon with Skrun Prince second and Castletown third Donzelon was one of the outsiders of the party starting at 20 to 1 against Merrivale II and Wild Edgar fell while Lotus Land pulled up CHELTENHAM I OfV-NEWENT SELLING HANDICAP of 200 sovs second receives 5 sovs: winner to be sold for 100 soys Two miles (150) II 10 HOLIDAY HALL a (Mr Bowerman) Cullinan 1 12 3 NORTHERN LINNET a (Sir Lawson) Owner 2 12 7 JARGOON a (Mr Richardson) Stott 3 11 11 Court Scandal II a (Mr Hutchinson) Turner 11 9 Little avelet a (Mrs Strong) Gurney 11 8 Lady Oakenclough a (Mrs Tilleard) Hamey 11 1 Merry Miner a (Mr Dennis) Williams 10 9 Icarus a (Mr Pease) Duffy 10 9 Fair View a (Mr Langlands) Owner 10 0 Vishnu a Mr Hutsby) Mr Hutsby jun (Winner trained by Toole) Betting-2 to 1 agst HOLIDAY HALL 100 to 30 Jargoon 6 to 1 Merry Miner 13 to 2 Court Scandal II 10 to 1 each Northern Linnet Little Wavelet and Icarus and 100 to 6 others Won by 10 lengths two lengths Holiday Hall was bought in for 320gs 2A-LANSD0WN SELLING HCAP HURDLE RACE of 200 sovs second receives 5 sovs winner to be sold for 100 sovs Two miles and a few yards (2-1) 11 1 NEAR EAST 4ys (Mr Platt) Stott 1 10 12 MAIDEN LANE 4ys (Mr Whitelaw) Parvin 2 12 0 TUSCAN a (Mrs Mure) Gurney 3 11 5 Anchorite a (Mr Morgan) Morgan 0 11 1 Pine Bluff 6ys (Mr Law) Turner 0 11 3 Hat Rock a (Mr Shaw) Owner 0 11 2 Mjzzen Mast a (Lady Nelson) Cullinan 0 10 9 Lavande 5ys (Mr Warner) Pellerin 0 10 9 Venetian Star 6ys (Mr Pollitzer) Reardon 10 3 Plumado a (Miss Rodocanaohi) Brown 0 (Winner trained by Poole) 3 to 1 each agst Hat Rock and Lavande 9 to 2 Maiden Lane 100 to 12 each Mizzen Mast and Pine Blub 10 to 1 Tuscan 100 to 8 NEAR EAST and others Won by II2 lengths same Near East was sold to Mr II Brandt for 410gs 2A( NATIONAL HUNT HANDICAP CHASE ttvF of 1000 sovs being 850 sovs to the winner 100 sovs to second and 50 60va to third Three miles and about three furlongs (244) 10 4 DONZELON a (Col Foljambe) Turner 1 10 12 SKRUN PRINCE a (Lt-Col Stewart) Gurney 2 10 8 CASTLETOWN a (Mr Platt) Stott 3 12 7 Koko a (Capt Powell 0 11 4 Scotty Rig a (Maj Neilson) Cullinan 10 9 Royal Sport a (Mr Emanuel) Major Cavanagh 0 10 5 Meleaston a (Mrs Fielden) Parvin 0 10 2 Carryduff a (Mr A Stern) Maloney 0 10 0 Wild Edgar a (Mrs A Ryan) McCarthy 0 11 5 Duke of Florence a (Mr A McAlpine) Williams 0 11 3 Knockirr a (Mr Pease) Gurney 10 12 Choice a (Mr Graeme Thomson) Farrell 0 10 11 Overdraft a (Mr A 8 Villar) Mr Bennett 0 10 6 Pride 6ys (Mr Brandt) McCarthy 10 4 Jee Bridge a (Miss Smith) Foster 10 3 Lotus Land a (Mr Kenyon) Hamey 0 10 2 Merrivale II a (Ld Westmorland) Brooks 10 0 'Old a (Mr Hall Watt) A Waudby (Winner trained by Foljambe) 4 to 1 agst Castletown 9 10 2 Skrun Prince 7 to 1 Scotty Rig 10 to 1 each Koko Merrivale II and Duke oi Florence 100 to 8 each Knockirr Pride and Choice 100 to 6 Overdraft 20 to 1 DONZELON and others Merrivale II cut out the work from Lotus Land Meleaston Duke of Florence Castletown Wild Edgar and Scotty Rig with Royal Sport lust Merrivale IJ fell two fences from the stands on the first circuit and Duke of Florence came on but was passed at the top turn by Donzelon At the next fence Duke of Florence came 10 grief Koko and Castletown moved up half a mile from home but the former as done with between the last two fences Castletown and Skrun Prince challenged on the flat but failed to close with Donzelon who won by three lengths: a short head Overdraft was fourth and Pride last 3f FOXHUNTERS CHALLENGE CUP ID value 125 sovs with 700 sovs added second to receive 75 sovs third 50 sovs fourth 25 sovs Amateur riders Four miles (59) 12 0 BLENNERHASSET a (Mr Parke) Mr Dutton 1 12 0 SETI THE FIRST a (Mr Tanner) Owner 2 12 0 SWIVEL a (Mr David Faber) Lord Killeen 3 12 7 Pippin II a (Capt Dennis) Owner 0 12 0 Old Dependence a (Mr Cullinan) Owner 0 12 0 Royal Arch IL a (Mr Emanuel) Major Cavanagh 0 12 0 Belle a (Mr Wilson) Mr 6 Owen 0 12 7 Rafchpatrick a (Mr Johnstone) Owner 0 12 0 Rugby Girl a (Mr Brandt) Mr Skerratt 0 12 0 Little Evie a (Mr Brindley) Mr Langlands 0 3 2 0 Far Flight a (Mr A Brown) Owner 0 12 0 Master Beaver a (Mr Dawes) Owner 0 12 0 Naughty Boy II a (Mr Gill) Capt Brownhill 0 12 0 Mallard a (Mr Harrison) Mr Carr 0 12 0 Winged a (Mr Johnstone) Mr Whitfield 0 T2 0 Mallow II a (Mr Knight) Mr Kennard 0 12 0 Zain a (Mr Midwood) Mr Murless 0 12 0 Pride a (Brig-Gen Winser) Mr Gubbins 0 (Winner trained by co*ckton) 2 to 1 agst Far Flight 7 to 1 Old Dependence 8 to 1 each Winged and Belle 100 to 8 each Pippin Rathpatrick Mallard Set i the First and BLENNERHASSET and 20 to 1 others 3ef-BR0ADWAY of 1000 sovs second receives 100 sovs third 50 sovs Three miles (352) 11 2 GALLANT LOVER 6ys (Mrs Armitage) Cullinan 1 10 11 MAGIC MOON 6ys (Mrs Mackay) Gurney 2 10 11 DRAYTON a (Mr Evans) Williams 3 11 2 Swift Rowland a (Mrs Chester Beatty) Leader 0 11 11 Kakusliin 6ys (Mr Singer) Keogh 0 31 2 Lady San a (Mr Field) Clark 0 11 2 Kingsdown a (Mr 1 Johnstone) Davey 0 3 1 Hy Spy 5ys (Miss Laidlaw) Stott 10 11 Morekeen a (Miss Robinson) Mr Dutton 0 (Winner trained by Hastings) 11 to 8 agst Hy Spv 5 to 2 Swift Rowland 7 to 1 Morekeen 10 to 1 GALLANT LOVER and 100 to 8 others Won by lb lengths one length COTS WOLD STEEPLECHASE ot 500 sovs second receives 50 sovs and third 25 sovs Two miles 11 10 Orbed 5vs (Mr Thorpe' A Waudby 0 11 7 Pharmacist 6ys (Mr Smith) Cullinan 0 11 0 Felcourt 5ys (Mr McAlpine) 0 7 The Druce Machine 6ys (Mr Gray) Gurney 0 7 Curtain Raiser 6ys (Mrs Leake) Powell 0 11 5 Shrewd King 5ys (Capt Speed) 1 Bisgoovl 0 11 Favourite Star 5ys (Mr Clark) Williams 0 31 0 Bonar Bridge 5ys (Mr Duckworth) Brooks 0 11 0 Joe Bagstock 5ys (Miss Laidlaw) Stott 0 11 0 Oxclose 5ys (Mr Renton) Mr Elliott 0 11 0 Pishogue 5ys (Baron de Tuyll) Keogh 10 0 Pixie 4ys (Col Foljambe) Mr Bissill 0 FOR RESULT SEE STOP PRESS SANDOWN PARK 14C-LAMMA8 SELLING HURDLE RACE ol 200 sots second to receive 10 sots: tinner be sold or 50 sots Two miles (147) 11 7 DETRITUS a (Mr Martin) Hogan 1 11 7 MONTPELIER a (Ld Beaverbrook) Rees 2 10 7 GAFADOUN 4ys (Mr Dollar) Payne 3 11 7 Sky Pilot a (Maj Stevens) Everett 0 11 7 Wood Owl 6ys (Mr Dates) Thrale 0 11 7 Golden Brick a (Mr Blenkiron) Speck 0 11 7 Clymplng a (Mr Goad) Ingham 0 11 7 Ballyrag a (Mr Sirnmonds) Tinegar 11 7 Sancroft a (Mr 7 Thompson) Moloney 0 11 3 Toreador 5ys (Mr Short) Hardy 0 10 7 Swoop 4ys (Capt Norman) McCarthy 0 (Winner trained by Martin) 15 to 8 aest Montpelier 9 to 4 Gala-tloun 10 to 1 each Ballyrag Sancroft DETRITUS Clymping and Swoop and 100 to 6 others Won by a length a head 2 1 (--SELECT HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE sa of 300 sovs second receives 25 sovs third 10 sovs Three miles amt about 125 yards (217) 11 DONEGAL a (Mr Bcndon) Moloney 1 10 12 ARDEEN a (Sir Fraser) Lyall 2 10 4 TOY BELL a (Mr Villar) Morgan 3 II 5 Rhytieere a (Mr Emsmiel) Rayson 0 II 4 Touquet a (M Waitinne) Du flour 1L 2 Beech-Martin a (Mr Faber) Rees 11 2 Gregalach a (Mrs Gemmell) Fish 0 11 2 The Ace II a llr Strassburger) Mr Evans 0 11 1 Ballystockart a (Capt Sassoon) Hogan 0 10 10 Santabel a (Mrs Coll?) Capt Sassoon 10 4 Gnilin a (Mr Midwood) A Tannock 10 3 Sheve Grion a (Capt Norman) McCarthy 0 10 0 South II ill a (Mr Blagrave) A Fur nice 0 (Winner trained by Woodland) 4 to 1 agst Beech-Martin 5 to 1 Slieve Grirn 7 to tch DONEGAL and Ardeen 8 to I GregaJach 100 to 3 2 Toy Bel) 10 to 1 Ehyti-cere and 100 to 8 others Donegal cat out the work from Beech-Martin Shaun Gojlin South Hill The Ace II and Grega-la'h Beech-Martin was in front passing the stands the first time round attended by Donegal Toy Bell Grcjmlarh Ardeen and Rhytioere Donegal regained the lead shortly afterward? and making the remainder of the running resisted the challenge of Ardeen up the hill to win by one and a half lengths two lengths Shaun Goilin was fourth and The Act II last 2EfY-AISSELE HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 200 sovs second to receive 20 sovs and third 10 sov3 Two mile and about 52 furlongs (253) 13 4 AftUNTIUS a (Mr Blair) Re? 1 10 2 MEREBROOK 5ys (Mr Blenkiron) Speck 2 10 4 SILVER CORO 4 (Mj Chppell) Lymll 3 The scratching of Orbind0s Lincolnshire Handicap 0 Coulson without a race tlT Orbindos was second the yeans ago and was favour but ran disappointingly lif Packham has been ensa- Irish Romance in the jfl Handicap and rode him in al'i Lights London at Lambon AN IN fi BITTEN BY BEE CONTINUED From stepping on them and mcnw the insects in thousands It must have been decared the Judge It i replied Mr There were crowds LATEST TELEPHONE CENTRA GENERAL PRODUq Rubber prices 335 April-June 10 juviSJ Oct -Dec Jan-far Cocoa steady buyers April-June 45' seller? May 44 3 value fob LIVERPOOL CORN heat closed steady Mur 810 May 92 July Maize River Plato closed If Mar and April 92 July fy American Mixed closed jir lower Mar 86 April 871 NEW ORLEANS COTT 10 July 2053 NEW YORK COTIOD 1055 Mar 2120 Jfo July 2069 Ocf 2053 Yew (b Oct 2045 Dec AIR SERVICE TO AFAT Announced in Common 1 ments have been made with African Government': for between air eerviec Cape Town WATERLOO PURSE 2nd Round 37 Romance bt llarleaa 41 Hansqua bt 55 Harwich bt Kvet Buoys 58 War Bond bt Haff'5-' RACING 4 20 Savemake 2 East- Gata Betting: 20 1 4 1 2 4 20 Oxl-JocO 2 Pistes 3' Betting 51 0' Joe Bagstock (7 4 3 Es LIVERPOOL STOCKS BUSINESS DONE 4 no Consols 85 3i2pc Conversion 76 Conversion 98 734 4pc Funding Trans 5pc War Trans 102 1-16 102 J8 is 2 1-16 101 15-16 2 1-16 10115-16 7s 102 1 15-16 2 1-16 Do Jnsc 102 Do Bearer 102 Local Loans 637s 2 63-4 12 India 4-ik: 1958-68 872 Aberdeen Edinburgh and London Tst 115 pd) African and East 171 17 173 Allied News 47l12 Anglo-French Banking 173 Anglu-8th American Prop 5pe Deb 981s Argentine 5pc 1909 934 Argentine 5pc 1910 944 Argentine 5pc Inc 1st Series 944 Arizona 37034 Assoc British Cinemas 6 Atlas Assur 133 Austin Motors 154 Automat Sales 1 BA Gt South 5pc Pf 9234 (n93e BA Western 5pc Notes 97 Bankside Invest Deb £50 pd) 5158 Dist 15 Do Pf 6 Borax Dfd 183 Brakpan 899 Brazil Tract Rights 358 3 9-16 Brit Aluminium 46 Brit Controlled 5 Brit Enka Brit Indestrueto Glass 2 Brit Insul Cables 93 Brotex Cellulose Fibres 212 Burma Corp 1712 3 Bwana 19 Cam and Motor 36102 Canadian Pacific 253 252 78 Cannington Glass 7 Carreras Old 3324 Chilian 6pc 1928 95 Chinese 5pc 1912 4734 4938 Chinese Imp Rly 5pc Shanghai Nanking 6154 Clark Chapman 3054 Coats (J and P) 653 49 Columbia Graphs 15 Comm Union 274 5-16 Compton Sons and Webb ll934 Oorp of London 4cpc 1940-85 958 Courage and Co 71034 Courtaulds 823 16 1 9 833 3 3 29 3 29 83 312 Do Pref 198U I7h Cratton (R W) Pf 711 Crosfield 72pc 229 Cunard 30 299 6 Daily Mirror 529 Dud lop Rubber 223 16 223 16 1 9 72 9 22102 (n22102 Employers Liab 796p 796 Ford Motors 713 For Rlys Inv 5 French 5pc 19 7-16 Gaumont Film Pf 18102 Goodlaes Wall 786 9 Mantle 1 Gramophone 18 18 1-16 Great Western 797a Great Western 4po Deb 803a Guar Eastern 76 Guardian Assur 107a Guest Keen Debt 798 Hetherington (J) 1484 Hield Bros 23 Hoffnnng (S) 549 Do Pf 22102 Hotel York 6824 Do Pf 1912 ImpL Airways 256 Imp Chemical 40 '6 4010' '9 1 10: 414 1 419 Do Dfd 147 9 Imp Tobacco GB and I 1229 3 Int Auto Tele 3924 lnt Nickel Letters 15-16 Int Nickel Pfd 2312 Invercargill (N Z) 42pc 1885 9334 Inferesk Paper 51 496 Japan 5po 19 7-16 Japan 5pc 1907 828 Japan 5pc Alan Rly 9434 Jones (A A) Shipman Pf 26 Do 6 pc Notes 50 Johnson (J) Co 24 (i Fxceptional bargains Johnson (J) Pf 186 Karnuning Kolster-Brandes (101 pd) 39 83 40 399 39-72 83 403 40 40 Lainson Paragon ol2pc Pf 1542 LCC 1945-85 95 xd Ina Gold 452 Lever 7 pc 223 Lewis's Deb 97 'S 973a Leyland Motors 57102 38 (n389 Liverpool 5rc InsC 10034 Liverpool Nitrate 20102 LMS 5138 -t LMS 4 pc Pf 684 TMiS 4dc Deb 78 34 78 LNE 1st Gtd 714 London and Lancs 3058 lyindon Asiatic 4112 I-ondoa Assur 11 3-16 London Power Deb New 99 Manbre Carton 43 Marconi Wire 806 9 80 806 (n81 1 2 42 Margarine Unie 73 6 4 Margarine Union 72 26 72 Martins Bank (£22 pd) 7 15-32 Do (fully) 62p l6p Mead Cycle 52Lp Mersey Docks 5 pc due 27931 to pay 5 4 pc Mex Rly 8pc 1st Pf 14 1-16 Mid Elec Corp 41 409 Millom and Askam Pref 139 Tnvest (10 paid) 911 Morris and Jones 1642 Morris and Jones Pref 1742 173 NB Merc 36 1-16 Newcastle Elec New 2342 New Zealand 5 pc 1946 1024 New Zealand 4cpo 1948-58 948 New South Wales 6p0 1018 Do 54pc 995a Do 5 pc 1933-5 952 Northern 5pc Deb 882 Nineteen Twentv-nine Tsfc (£5 paid) 9742 Rubber Soles 436 Pinchin Johnson 7S8 7 25-32 Portsmouth 3 pc 1933 91 9-16 Potgeitersrusfc Plat 454 Primitiva Gas 01 BA 52034 Prudential 46 Public Benefit Boot 72pc Pf 2072 Queensland 334pc 7434 Retail Trade Sec 1254 Rhod Breken Hill 44 Rhodesia Rlys 6pc Deb Bearer 10034 Ribble Motors 309p Roumanian 4pc Cons 1922 4754 Royal Lnsur 8 23-32 Rubber Trust 43 Ruston and Hornsby 912 Rvlands 2442 Shells Trans 913 23 Do 2nd Pf 25102 Do New 863 Shrops Wore Staffs Elec 5 2 pc Deb 103 Sittang Valiev 1 02 SKF Ball Bearing Viscosa 2442 Sunday Pictorial 79034 Sun lnsur 402 Tate and Lyle 446 Cash Chem Ldn Dfd 29 Do Tst Dfd 5934 Third Guar Trt 9 27-32 Brew 566 Tigon Mining 3224 Triplex Glass 1069 Turner and Newall n97102 76 Tyler Pf 173 Underground Elec 236 Utd Molasses 151102 1526 (n 15442 4 1539 442 Utd Molasses New 145 Utd Steel 242 Do Pf 3112 Van den Bergh Pf 206 Vickers 1 634 Victoria Falls Power Pref 33 9 Vocaiion 55 '9 8 '84 Walker Cain i8o walker (Peter) 72t re Waterfall Selangor 110 Western Auto l634 Williamson Ltd Pf 19102 Wirra! Rly (£2 fully) 20 xd Yorkshire Eleo 346 Zambesia Including those done free of stamp duty n) Next account (c) Cash bar tains (p) Late business transacted the previous ay CLOSING STOCKS LMS 51 Gt Westerns 79 LNE 11 Southerns 31 African and Eastern 173 Chemical Ord 410 Courtaulds 820 ImpL Tobacco 1220 BA Tobacco 123 Marconi 80 Dunlops 229 May-poles 59 Shells 4 9-16 Eagles 126 Burmah 4 Chartered 37 Randfonts 69 Johnnies 476 Burmah Corps 173 Columbias 15 Gramophones £18 Vocalions 59 Metropoles 189 Television 99 Margarine Union 72 Margarine Dutch 736 Utd Molasses 7 Leyland Motors 396 Kolster Brandes 39 COTTON (Continued from Page 7) 3 40 pm American futures are unchanged Mar 1081 May 1092 July 1092 CLOSING REPORT American fut ires closed quiet 5 points decline to unchanged rates Mar 1078 May 1089 July 1089 Oct j072 Egyptian futures closed steady 14 to 2 points advance Empire futures closed barely steady 8 to NEW YORK Mar Maj July Oct 4 points decline Yesterday 10 55 am2127 2128 2079 closing 2118 2115 2067 2042 range 2117 2113 2064 2042 opening 2130 2130 2080 2055 Second 2132 2131 2080 2055 NEW CONTRACTS Oct Deo Yesterday 10 55 am 2050 closing 2034 range 2032 opening 2050 Second 2050 NEW ORLEANS Mar May July Oct Uec 2023 2046 2052 2017 2020 closing range 2023 20A5 2050 2016 2020 opening2030 2057 2062 2029 Second 2027 2054 2061 2028 CHICAGO May close 2059 opening 2069 July 2063 2075 HEART JUMPS Lord Mayor Thought It was in His Boots Experience has once more definitely proved the great importance to the community of a hospital specifically devoted to diseases of the said Mr Davies (chairman of the Liverpool and District Heart Hospital) at the annual meeting at the Town Hall Liverpool today The Lord Mayor (Alderman Miller) who presided referred to his visit to the hospital yesterday when a photograph of his heart was taken I felt my heart was in my boots when the photograph was being he said but the result has shown that my heart is in the right place and is also normal JARDINE LEAVES FOR HOME MELBOURNE Today Jardine left here by train today for Adelaide where he will embark for India After a brief visit to the country of hie birth he will travel home overland via Asia Minor and Eastern Europe Chapman will act as substitute iu the field during second innings PA Special Service HALTON ROSE QUEEN Miss Laura Smith aged 15 of Main-street Halton has been chosen as this queen for Halton Rose Fete MANX PAGEANT A pageant illustrating events Manx history is to be performed by the Isle of Man contingent at the international Jamboree at Birkenhead KOLSTER-BRANDES REACH 426 GILT EDGED BETTER HANK RATE (made Feb 7 1999) 5'2 per cent CARRY OVER March 18 PAY DAY March 21 There was a brighter appearance to be noted on the Stock Exchange today but there was not a very large business being transacted As was generally expected by members last night there was no change in the Bank rate Gilt Edged opened better and Home Rails also put on steam and accelerated GILT War Loan after opening firm at 102 1-16 lias shaded off to 102 Victory 91 Conversion Sip 3 76 Funding higher at 881 Conversion 4 pc at 97: are better Local Loans 631 4 pc Consols 85 HOME Rails opened with a flourish of trumpets and after going further ahead a few prices have come back slightly Great Western 791 after 79 Berwick Prefd 23 7-32 the Defd 10 Midland 51 Southern Prefd a Read Stock Exchange Hints on Page 5 point better at 73 the Defd 30 this latter price showing a further increase CANADIAN PACIFIC gain a point at 253 ARGENTINE RAILS are firmer BA Great Southern 108 BA Western 97 BA Pacific 100 Central Argentine 98 Martins Part Paid show a loss of to 9 3-16 Cunard are firm with a gain of fid at 299 NITRATES Liverpool Nitrate are 2010 London put on 1-16 at 11 3-16 but Phoenix Part Paid are higher at 14f Guardian and London and Lanes gain 1-16 at 10 and 30 respectively Commercial Union changed hands at 27 Sun provided the exception with a loss of to 4(1 Atlas better at 13 Imperials are firm at 1223 and British American gain 6d at 123 Godfrey Phillips 376 Tobacco Securities Trust Ord 689 the Defd lose 6d at 24 HMV FIRMER Amongst GRAMOPHONE shares the tone is rather sweeter so far as holders are concerned Columbias put on to HMV are strong at 18 1-16 Metro-pole are 18 Aeonic 46 Decca 53 Vocation gain further ground at 596 INDUSTRIALS Dunlops gain Od at 229 International Nickel Letters are firmer on overnight advices from America at 62 United At lass eg 1526 after having been a little higher Carmelite Trust 153 British Cement Products 2 11-16 Associated Anglo-Atlantic 389 Imperial Chemical Ordy and Defd have both attracted buyers the former rising to 413 and the lalter to 15 Apiongst Motor shares Leyland are 1 better from the opening at 386 Dennis Bros 2 11-16 Napiers however have not been assisted by Major great feat and lose 1-16 to 2 1-16 Inver-esk Paper 3 Pincliin Johnson have been an erratic market after opening at 7 9-16 they shot up to 7 and aTe now only 7 11-16 Margarine Union firm at 72 the Dutch 736 African and Eastern dull at 17 Marconi 806 Turner and Newall gain further ground at 956 Maypoles 59 Morris and Jones are 164 Tate and Lyle are 449 Ford Motors 713 Distillers 75G General Electric lose 6d from the opening at 52 MISCELLANEOUS Dealings have commenced in Kolster-Brandes whose issue was so heavily over-subscribed opening at 39 they have been up as high as 426 for the 10- paid shares Fishers Foils are 3d better at 3 Western Automatic are a shade better at 17 Heald Brothers are 23 Bairds Television 109 DAILY MAIL FIRM NEWSPAPERS Daily Mail Trust are Strong with a gain of 3 to 943 Allied News are also firmer at 469 Daily Mirror gain 9d at 329 Associated News Defd also better at 2 7-32 TEXTILES Courtaulds are better at 83 Coats 649 British Celanese opened at 23 but are now a little lower at 226 Nifera Ordinary 1 the Defd 19 British Enka are unchanged at 23 American Celanese are better at 9 Canadian Celanese unchanged at 3 Fine Spinners 406 Bleachers 326 Royal Dutch are 32 VOC lose the turn at 3 31-32 Lobitos 41 Trinidad Leaseholds 846 Anglo-Persian are 4 11-32 Burmah 85 British Controlled Common are 5 the Prefd 61 Canadian Eagles firmer at 11 Mexican Eagles 126 MINES Bwana McKubwa are 193 Chartered 37 Tanganyika gain the turn at 709 Zambesia unchanged at 526 Randfontein lose their rise of yesterday at 69 Johnnies 479 East Rand are 6d lower at 12 Burma Corporation better at 173 West Springs unchanged at 196 West Rand 11 FOREIGN EXCHANGES The New York sterling is lower at 4-85 9-32 Paris 124-25 Germany 20452 and Belgium 3495 CORN 335 Graded wheal futures are now Ld cental under last night CHICAGO OPENING CABLE Wheat: May 130 unchanged July 13258 unchanged Maize: May 9934 unchanged July 102L down Oats May 4953 up METALS The following report is supplied hy the Iron Steel Tinplate and Metal Merchants' Section of the Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool co*ke 14 20 IC 112 Sheets fob Wales 18 to 1831 Finished Black plate 30 fob Wales £1410 Tin English Ingot noon £21910 Copper Strong Sheets £116 Galvanised Ocrrd Sheets 24 fob Liverpool £1310 to £14 Black Sheets-ord inary sizes £10 to £1010 Iron Hoops £12 Steel Hoops £105 Iron Staffordshire fob Liverpool £1010 Lancashire fob Liverpool £105 Scotch Los Glasgow £105 Belgian No 2 fob Antwerp £55 CENTRAL ARGENTINE RAILWAY The Central Argentine Railway today announced aa interim dividend of 3 per cent less tax CAERNARVON RHYL (Welsh Mid-Week League) This game was played at Caernarvon today in delightful weather before a I good crowd Carnarvon pressed and orced a corner which was cleared Rhyl went off on I the right and the outside right all but scored Woolescroft was just wide for Carnarvon Half-time: No score Half-time: Bristol 2 Charlton 1 CHRISTMAS EVE ARREST CONTINUED she wished she had with him Mr Clothier for Mesere submitted that there had been no imprisonment What took place was that Mrs Doherty was invited to go the staff office and explain her movements and no one laid a hand on her The servants had reasonable cause for suspecting her CAN BRAVE ESCORT BE DISQUALIFIED? PICKED UP WHITE COLLAR HAS TO BE WITHDRAWN Evening Express Correspondent LYDIATE Today Mrs Sofer greyhound White Collar winner of last Waterloo Cup had to be withdrawn from the fourth round this afternoon in consequence of experiencing a gruelling tie with Reformed ltake White C'oilar had been widely backed to win and his withdrawal affected thousands of backers When it was known that Brave Escort had been picked up before finishing his bye speculation was rife whether the matter would be pursued as according to rules this would lead to the disqualification of Brave Escort The four dogs remaining in after the fourth round are: 6 BRAVE ESCORT 21 BASSOON 47 GOLDEN SURPRISE 59 PRISM On the night of the draw the prices Offered against the quartette were: 1000 to 15 Brave Escort 1 000 to 20 Bassoon 3000 to 25 Golden Surprise 1000 to 25 Prism In lie Purse Too True showed his real form against Book He set up a two lengths lead struck and brought down the hare in brilliant etvle After Harrogate Hill bad put up a pood fight before being beaten by Ball Jiving it was found that he had broken a toe For earlier results see Page 7 FOURTH ROUND 6 BRAVE ESCORT a bye WHITE COLLAR 10 drawn HI BASSOON b( TOR BELL 26 47 ((OLDEN SORPRISE bt RAVENS ROOST 34 53 PRISM bt MAIN GUARD 52 DESCRIPTIONS FOURTH ROUND BASSOON bt TOR DELL Bassoon led three lengths scored three points and then ended the coursa with a great kill 3 to 1 on Bassoon WATERLOO PURSE SECOND ROUND 3 LIGHT BODY a bve TOO TRUE 5 drawn 16 RIND bt BALL BEARING 12 20 HELENS HILL a bve MALI 24 drawn 23 1TIGHLANTER a bye TEN OF DIAMONDS 30 drawn ORDER OF RUNNING THIRD DAY Waterloo Purg (Second Ties) Waterloo Plate (First Ties) 8 courses 4 courses Waterloo Cup (Fourth Ties) 2 courses Waterloo Purse (Third Ties) Waterloo Plate (Second iSes) Waterloo Cup (Deciding Course Waterloo Purse (Deciding Course) Waterloo Plate (Deciding Course) courses 2 courses GARDEN CITY FOR WALLASEY CORPORATION PLANS BUILD 560 HOUSES TO EVENING EXPRESS SPECIAL NEWS The Wallasey Corporation is evolving a scheme to establish a garden city the Leasowe-road area which will greatly add to the amenities of the district The matter was discussed 'by the Health Committee and embraces proposals to erect good houses on an attractive lay-out schools shops churches and recreation grounds The Evening Express understands that 200 houses will be erected in Reed's-lane and 100 tenant ownership houses in Leasowe-road The total houses to be built" will be 560 Extensive plans are being made in connection with the general plan of the garden city and the provision of shopping centres and open spaces SAFE TAKEN AWAY ON A TRUCK CONTINUED FROM PAGE I forced open and made a thorough search of the drawers and pigeon-holes scattering papers and documents over the floor The desk contained nothing of any value DESKS RANSACKED I he intruders then visited the main office on the ground floor This was locked but after forcing open a window in the top half of the door one of the men climbed through and unscrewed the lock They then ransacked the desks and took a small amount of money All efforts to find anything of value having so far been in vain they then turned their attentions to a large steel safe which stood on a wooden stand in a corner of the office This was locked and having failed to open it ttie raiders decided on the particularly daring expedient of removing the safe bodily from the premises The safe is about 3ft high 2ft deep and 18in wide and weighs about3cwts and would require at least three men to remove it A hand-truck which was kept in the storeroom is missing and the thieves apparently placed the heavy Fafe on it and wheeled it out of the building through a door leading into Addison-street Though they must have made considerable noise in removing the safe they were undisturbed and got safely away from the factory It is thought tiiat at least one of the men kept watch outride the building and the burglars left when the coast was clear Mr Fitch managing director of the firm told an Evening Express representative that he had been unable to attend business for about five weeks owing to illness and only returned to work today There was only between £2 and £4 fn the lie said but the most unfortunate thing is that it contained all ledgers accounts and documents relating to the business as well as insurance cards and their contributions to the hospital scheme All these are now lost unless the safe is discovered I think that at least four men wpre concerned in the raid as it would havc-been impossible for any less number to have removed the safe The thieves only entered the two offices Liverpool police are investigating the robbery and are following up a number of clues TAYLOR FIT Wrexham will still be without Mays and Graham for their match dgainst Lincoln City on the Racecourse on Saturday but Taylor is fit and will resume in goal The team is: Taylor Tones Lumber? Rogers Beilis Read Hudson Wood-house Longmuir lslip and Gunson PriBtdP4 VicfioriMtw.

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