The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

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Cincinnati, Ohio

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3Q00 English group 'Yes' sets Gardens date Chance of showers tonight tomorrow -rV: Tha Cincinnati 19 Friday September 1 1972 guitar and Rick Wakeman organ and piano The second act Eagles mis a current album of the same name on the Assy lum Atlantic label with its country-oriented rock is currently climbing the pop charts i Tickets are now on sale at all Tickertron outlets: Cincinnati Gardens and Community Ticket Office most overnight from obscurity to stardom To date they have released four albums all on die Atlantic label and all ere best sellers The albums re: "Fragile" and As is true with any group it is the members of the group which are most imoortant However the success of the group Yes lies in the fact that while each of its members could perform as a solist they all choose to blend their unique set of talents Members of the group include Jon Anderson vocals Bill Bruford drums Steve Howe electric and acoustic guitars Chris Squire bass The English group "Yes" will make an appearance at the Cincinnati Gardens on Sept 19 The concert which is being produced by Belkin Productions will start at An added attraction will the group Eagles The group Yes has risen al- New address HOLLYWOOD (UPI): The Motion Picture Academy will construct a new 825 million building in Beverly Hills to accommodate its executive headquarters expanded library and a theater seating 1200 persons UPI Wf A1HE OTOCAS1 Wichita Hand IS Waskiaan IS and 70 FOREIGN CITIES (7 ym on time) Saioa 70 and clear I a Sydney 41 and rain II am Berlin S2 and clear 1 am Moccow 41 and cloudy 4 am Pari SI and clear I am London S7 and clear midnight Tokyo 12 and cloudy I am Dublin SS and fog midnight Mexico City 77 and partly cloudy 1 am Svnrim Saturday 7 em1 wmot Satwday 8:07 pm Ohio liver 2S7 foot and itatianary Cuiront 04 wph Yottorday'i high wind SW 12 mph at 1 pa Yoiterday'i high 90i low 40 locardt Riit datoi High 103 in 195 1 1 law 43 in 1913 air pollution lUtiitici: Sulphur dioxide (parte per III minion) 24 diacomfort leva! 2SJ Total oxidxatf (parti per IN million) Mi dixeamfort level isn Newport man found guilty of selling obscene literature Grand )' Most Dazzling Display Ever! Tonight will be variably cloudy with a 30 per cent chance of showers or thundershowers and a low of 65 Tomorrow has a 30 per cent chance of showers in the morning under partly cloudy skies followed by a pleasant afternoon with a high of 78 Winds will be from the south tonight at 8 to 12 miles an hour becoming northwesterly tomorrow morning Cincinnati's pollen count yesterday was 325 grains per cubic meter Hay 'fever symptoms for most people who are sensitive to pollen begin when the count reaches between 150 and 200 grains per cubic meter ac- cording to a spokesman at General Hospital where the count is taken Tri-state forecast: Variably cloudy with a chance of showers or thundershowers tonight Decreasing cloudiness and cool- er tomorrow Columbus will have a low tonight of 60 and a high tomorrow of 81 Cleveland 61 and 77 Chance of showers and thundershowers tonight Partly cloudy and cooler tomorrow Indianap-olis 60 and 78 KENTUCKY Scattered showers tonight Not as warm tomorrow with showers over the eastern half of the state Louisville 60 and 82 AROUND THE Showers and thunderstorms tonight over the mid Gulf coast Northern Texas and most of Florida Clear to part-l ly cloudy skies elsewhere with cooler weather in the Plains 'and Rockies Autumn-like weather cover- ed the Plains to Northern Texas today as cool dry Canadian air spilled into the Midwest and Southern Plains Showers and thunderstorms stretched along the southern Atlantic coast and the eastern Gulf coast today while isolated thunderstorms dotted the Rockies and the intermountain West The la yceterdey in the nation va IS degreex in Mullen Idaho The high waa ltl in Blythe Cal Other highe and loa: Albuquerque 87 and 1 Anchoranc and 47 I 2 strong quakes rrock mid-Japan I TOKYO (UPI): Two strong earthquakes shook the mio-r section of Japan's main island of Honshu yesterday But lice in Tokyo Osaka and the capital cities of Kyoto and Nara where the quakes hit hardest said they had no re- ports of casualties or damage I The quakes occurred 13 minutes apart on the eve of the 49th anniversary of the great earthquake of 1923 which killed 90000 persons in Tokyo and the nearby port city of Yokohama Betty weakening 1 MIAMI (UPI): Tropical storm Betty carried its 50- mile-an-hour winds over the open Atlantic yesterday and forecasters said the second tropical twister would' probably weaken when it hits colder northern waters today I Judge Gilday non-payment of rent Mrs Johnson was leader of a protest by tenants of the building earlier in August that attempted to force the owner Mrs Irma Ballard to improve the living conditions in the four-family structure The tenants won an order Aug 11 from Hamilton County common Pleas Judge William Mathews allowing them to place their rental payments in a fund to be used to improve overall conditions of the building Mrs Ballard told the court the tenants have not been paying into the fund and that furthermore she is entitled to three months back rent total- Park open til midnight SENIOR CITIZENS $300 must show proof of age A jury in the Common Pleas Court of Judge Lyle Castle yesterday found James Cornett 25 of 103 East Third street Newport guilty of a charge of selling obscene literature Cornett was arrested in July of 1970 while working as -a clerk in West Transmedia News then at 721Race street 'The store has since meToiit of business Cornett is free on 82000 bond while a probation report is made Man gets 15 years for armed robbery Edward Louis Smith 48 of 1823 Garden lane Bond Hill has been sentenced to 15 years in federal penitentiary by Judge David Potter of if District Court after being found guilty of armed robbery by a jury He and two other men are charged with the Feb 4 armed robbery erf the Fifth Third Bank branch at Pad-dock road and California avenue Bond Hill in which 84300 was taken A second man William Brooks 46 of 3725 Reading read Avondale pleaded guilty and was sentenced Monday to a 15-years term by Judge Porter 1 Trial for a third man Gerard Davidson 18 of 922 Cleveland avenue Avondale has been set for Sept 29 Smith was sentenced Wednesday Man pleads guilty to manslaughter tried egree murder yesterday entered a guilty plea to a lesser offense of manslaughter while a jury was deliberating his case Judge Lyle Castle accepted the plea and dismissed the i'ury He then sentenced Os-iorne 38 of 813 Dutch Colony drive Winton Terrace to AtUutuil and 7 Aibcville NC 74 and It Birminghia 17 and IS Baatou 12 and Burlington Vt II and SI Carper Wye IS and SS Charlotte and id Chicago Hand 71 Ckvcuad and S7 Columbut 12 and DalUall and 7S Denver 71 and 7 Detroit and S4 DesMoinealt and 47 Fargo 71 and S4 Houston Wand 74 Indianapolis and SI Jackion Mira fl and 41 Jacksonvilk and 71 Xanrai City and 41 Laa Vegas 1M and 71 Little Rock Hand 44 Lao Angeles IS and 49 LohUvim and 42 Memphis and 7 Miami Hand 74 Milwaukee Hand 47 Minneapolis 71 aud 47 New Orleans and 44 New York Hand 44 OkUhoma City Hand 71 Omaha 71 and 42 Philadelphia and SS Phoenia US and Pittsburgh and SS Peftland Me and St Rapid City SD 42 and 4 Richmond Va IS and 47 St Louis and 44 San Francisco 44 and S4i San Diego 71 and 41 Salt Lake City and SI Sault Ste Marie II and II SeattU 74 and SS Tampa II and 74 Raza delegate slain EL PASO TEX (UPI): 1 The main controversy at opening of the first national political convention of the Raza Unida Party was not the political future of Mexican-Americans but the killing of one delegate as he was en route to the gathering The victim Ricardo Falcon of the Colorado delegation was riding in a car with other delegates He was shot to death by a service station attendant in New Mexico when the group stopped because of an overheated radiator "Because Falcon did not buy gas and because Falcon was using the water he was shot to death" the convention leaders said in a telegram sent to the White House The Raza Party demanded an investigation by Attorney General Richard Kfeindienst The details are in dispute Authorities in Orogrande NM where the incident occurred said Falcon argued with the service station owner' Perry Brunson and attacked him Police said Brunson fired two warning shots and then shot Falcon 27 twice killing him instantly Falcon was not armed Brunson was charged with manslaughter But members of the Colorado delegation in the same car with Falcon denied Falcon attacked Brunson or that Brunson fired warning shots IT'S AN ODD BALL PERCY BENDCE champion skittle player has won the tiodittanal prize in British fairground competition a live 400 times But in his 69 years the Ashmansworth England -man has never managed to bring home the bacon even once His home is too small so he just takes the money instead bers of the Hamilton County Republican Party policy committee Turner was defeated by Rep William Keating 89169 to 39820'in the First congressional race in 1970 Morgan said hope is that it (Turner's switch) will be examined and understood by all Cincinnatians and especially by the black community as a move to develop more political power for blacks in Cincinnati me it could very well signal the end of a period of political unenlightenment in the black community It will hopefully mark the beginning of an era of political sophistication and awareness for blacks in TURNER SAID he had not been offered an elective role in the Republican Party but would not turn one down if it l0RIVf-INfeei fj ACADEMY- 6S3 3092S- "OR NO" (PG) "RUSSIA WITH LOVE" (PG) "GOLDFINGER" (PG) Tiet teraiiHM (COSMOPOLITAN) RIVNOU IAQUIL (FLAYGIRL) Wf ICH "FUZZ" (PG) plus "COLD TURKEY" (PG) wmAoro-imm 5160 sm Wll "i OOMTtja ITMV Bum firs ONLY ONE BRANDO! Nl "THI GODFATHER" (I) I JO) "BOSTON (R) wnenmnA 1 I mk "FUZZ" (PG) -Y "ITS A MAO MAO I- MAD WORLD" (G) 'DIXIE GARDENS 5S 1 2222' MwxnauM oewi MO at BUR "THI GODFATHER" (R) "THE BOSTON STRANGLER" (R) EEfiGUSOXSfLlS'Knm "DR NO" (PG) 8-40 "RUSSIA WITH (PG) IMS (PG) 12:45 SniA pyemr XUH uw 371 9500 era a ex ta or cov onn ar Fde arm at euwt "DR NO" (PG) "RUSSIA WITH LOVE" (PG) i "GOLDFINGER" (PG) 313961 loun ii Muoeo WMNU OF 3 ACADfMT AWUDH "LAST PICTURE SHOW" JR) "DOLLARS" (R) WiHIGNWA 4 7 f- 398-0236 41AH ex mmok OHIO i enoMnnweij wm WALT DtSNOT "NAPOLEON A SAMANTHA" (Gy ELVIS FUSUT AVmajg the way it wysja VOLirPOGEE i 771 3351 HOI jot aaoMM a imia mvon SLAUGHTER" (R) M0 $11:53 i moh loaoor a comma iV'BOXCAR BERTHA" (R) 10:254 UAKE DRIVE IN iMMMSi MCKiMOMAIQUIWI "GIMME SHELTER" (PG) "ON ANY SUNDAY" (G) -y Wfl mmm EHtBH mONTGOMERt T7917685 lAipuMMunemiiia "THE GODFATHER" (R) INDHEIY DINOUS NcGW (PG) ISJfTHEXETkYi 521 3877 1 17Q COMPTON RO HUD OVER! A DON'T MSS DUOI "THE GODFATHER" (R) 8 JO' MOST SUCCESSFUL FILM "BOSTON STRANGLER" (R) 11J3 )lV OHMoue- OPEN AT 7:30 ETAIT DUSK "SLAUGHTER" (R) "BOXCAR BERTHA" (R) OPEN AT TOO STAX! DUSK "SLAUGHTER" (R) "DOC" (R) 581 6616 AMev omul wrr myiok kv OPEN AT 7-JO nut DUSK "FUZZ" (PG) "ITS A MAD MAD a MAD WORLD" (G) fs msTAfirEjriJUAMlik ar ixt (an HELD OVER! A DONT Mil 0UW GODFATHER" (R) 1:30 MOST SUCCtSSTUl HIM IVII1 "BOSTON STRANGLER" (R)liNSj mbw -ecarannr ameim yVSt'Rorweid jj JSI 0t3lJ OPM 7 JO START DUX "BLACULA" (PG) "FROGS" (PG) IJS1 053rt MiNa mi iwt oim rds nwer aerawn mbvm wa GODFATHER" (R) 1:30 "BOSTON STRANGLER" (R) IMS A-eoemt- eimnemNNoei omt hxa mmm tvwor mew 1 mCDDEAMimtmn WINNER 09 3 ACADEMY AWAIOEi A "THE LAST PICTURE SHOW" (RS "DOLLARS" (R) Sunday Sept 3 SPECTACULAR 5-MAN SKYDIVI into Coney's SUNLITE POOL At 3:00 PM this Sunday five death defying skydive rs will lump 5000 feet Into Sunllte Pool! Breathtaking precision! Aerial acrobatics) If weather Is bad skydive will be Monday Sept 4) LAST CHANCE TO SWIM TILL NEXT Don't wait till next year to catch all the sun and fun at Coney's Sunllte Pool! Lest day to swim this year Is Monday Sept 4 PICNIC AT POOLSIDE Full picnic facilities next to pool but please no grills or glass containers from one to 20 years in the Ohio Pentitentiary Osborne was charged with shooting William Eady 51 on Dec 22 1971 in a tavern on Lincoln avenue Walnut Hills Eady died June 11 Man sentenced in wife's death Nathaniel Hester 45 211 Green street was sentenced yesterday to 1-20 years in the Ohio Penitentiary by Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Victor Wood in the shooting death of his common law wife Blainey Skags of 1315 Main street Sept 30 1971 Hester pleaded guitar to first-degree a ns I a titer charges Tenant files $500000 suit Mrs Elaine Embry of 5091 Kingsley drive Eastwood Vil- has filed suit against owners and managers of the apartment complex seeking 500-000 in damages She claims in her suit filed yesterday in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court that her two-year-old son Eric was injured Monday by eating drain cleaner a neighborhood girl had found in an empty apartment in the complex She alleges that Mayer Realty Co 5331 Eastwood drive the Eastwood Village Apartments and Remsco Management Inc of St Louis were negligent in allowing the drain cleaner to remain in tne empty apartment She says they should have known children would play in it Leader of tenants' protest is evicted Mrs Aurelia Johnson of 2113 Vine street was ordered evicted from her apartment Youth 17 in loanfirm One youth 17 has been arrested and another is being sought in yesterday's holdup of the Mt Lookout Savings and Loan Co office 11745 Princeton pike Springdale Between S3000 and 4000 was taken The youth was arrested in Woodlawn at 10:50 am 20 minutes after the robbery by Patrolman Claude Steverson of Lincoln Heights in a yard at 315 Marion road A short time earlier Patrolman Chuck Klein of Wood-lawn saw the youth atanding by a car on Wayne avenue in woodlawn The car fit the description of the one used in the robbery The youth ran as Klein approached The robbers forced a bank clerk to lie on the floor before fleeing The youth that was arrested was carrying a gun He has been turned over to Juvenile Court authorities Other reports: ARSEST Lieyd Hitt is 44 of 2414 Firm court Cummhuvillt: Arrested yesterday la Deytea on warrant dinging him with first dygrae murder in connec-' tion with the ehootinx-eiebbiiix ef Louis Shepherd 47 af 144 Dutch Colony drive Winton Terrace who wee found dead Monday in his home ASSAULT Elms Hickman 21 ef 1114 Dayton street West End: Found unconscious nod severely beaten about the bead at 121 am may on the sidwnalk at 2119 Cetera is avenue fa serious condition at General Hospital Felice have net been able to question him SHOOTING Ray Scelt af 14 IStb street: In critical condition at General Haepital today ef ballet wounds of abdomen and elbow Police Hid sheeting occurred it 1:24 pm yesterday in the victim'! fourth-floor apartment They art holding a 24-veer-oid women in ceaaectioa with the HMOlins HOLDUPS Dixie's Bar 2414 Vine street Cerry- ville: Twa milked gunmen teok Sill from the cash register end Julian ice-ley 44 bartender aUe took billfold containing SIN from patron Bruce Dadds 41 ef 444 Dixmyth street Clifton and wallet con tuning personal paper from Jack Leisure 41 of 1131 Turner joins ranks of GOP ito build more power for blacks Conwy's Sunllto Pool Ju Judge Gilday told Mrs Johnson she must get out of the apartment in 10 days He noted Ohio does not have a law that prohibits retaliation evictions Mrs Johnson's attorney contended her eviction fell into that category The judge also ordered an early-October hearing on Mrs claim for back rent Property conversion charge dismissed A charge of conversion of property against William Hillard 30 of 3401 Queens way Erlaneer Ky was dismissed today bv Judge Paul George of Hamilton County Municipal Court who said he had no jurisdiction over the case The charge against Hillard stemmed from a complaint filed by Mary Bender of 3203 Glendora avenue Corry-ville She charged that a car loan taken out with the Harmony Loan Co 644 Monmouth street Newport was transfer-ed to the Green Eros Furniture Co 785 East McMillan street and that she was not given credit for a S41 payment made April 11 arrested holdup Dale raid Bead HiD it 11:24 pm yet-terdey Perkede Garage 121 Sixth it reel: Safcet Shadxh 29 attendant robbed of 44 it 1:74 am today RAPE A 23-yeer-oid Over-the-Khinc woman told police xhe wax raped at 1:44 am today in bar apartment at knifepoint Police kave irreited a man 27 connection with the incident Missing Freddie Buchanan 18 of 31S7 Celeron avenue Oakley has been missing from his home since Aug 23 He was last seen at Oakley Park Playground on Ang 24 Freddie is four feet six inches tall has green eyes brown hair and a birthmark on his left knee His parents Mr and Mrs Fred Buchanan say he has been seen with a man about five feet six inches tall 150 pounds receding black heir with long sideburns Anyone who may have seen Freddie should notify District 6 Police iSAMIASSADORtJx11 $150 Children (Under 12) $175 Adults Fret Parking Rowtw 52 at Kellogg Avoaue OCOMES A SH0CHN8 MOVB (PG) MS $1 IHOCKMB SOT SOW "THE OTHER" ttovoNtBouAR 1WO WAIT DISNfY "NAPOLEON A SAMANTHA" (G) PUIS "SI 000000 PUCK" (G) Ronald Morgan Bailey Turner and Ben Fair announce Turner has joined the Republican Party $1 NEW PUC1 POUCY-AT AU T1MU CHRDUN UNDfll 11 TIE SOc aum mvNOue a aaaun mum "FUZZ" (PG) 7:30 A 9:25 A ir TM Etig avEy myde rK squxxe's SPrjYDt ARKJjtyiiesxycoHVEHiENY NiW MKI AI AU HMU CWUMEN UNDER 12 YU SOc ao mvwBMi aamrn womi "FUZZ" (PG) 7 JO A 9:25 9 ij pal "NOW YOU WALT 0UNIY9 FeODUCIION SEE HIM NOW YOU (G) Foeaviio MATMHSIAT SUN 30 WOT Bailey Turner long-time leader in the Cincinnati black community and an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Congress in the 1970 election announced today he has joined the Republican Party and will work lor all Republican candidates top to in the November election Turner said the decision was thought He said the aim ofnis switch is to develop more political power for blacks in Cincinnati and he will encourage ether blacks to join him announcement was made at a press conference at which he sat between Ronald Morgan candidate for state representative in the November election and Ben Fair editor of the Cincinnati edition of the Call and Post They are the only black mem were offered to him He said he highly of George McGovern as a senator and former congressman not that 1 terribly find so much fault with McGovern but my concern has been between the McGovern workers and the black people throughout the He said many black leaders feel that blacks were by McGovern forces to win the primary He said black people have been caught in the middle of the two parties because the take us for granted and the Republicans ignore us feeling tnat they get any more of our votes anyway" Turner an insurance agent is chairman of the Coalition of Concerned Black Citizens 4rirrnvniit4ANWOOII'Htl delta trn IvLwURVJU LT)l-77Ur'AONYEKlENTFAkKIN CHARLTON YYITTI MtMNUX "SKYJACKED" (PG) 70 A 9:11 OAD 0UE V-CMTirDV JW BaOWN-SIUU 1ST RUN 744 STIVBIS-RIF TORN SLAUGHTER" (R) A 940.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.