How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (2024)

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (1)

Harry Nichols


Social media and messengers are everywhere, right? They’ve become part of our daily lives, from staying connected with friends to running our businesses. But as much as we love scrolling through feeds, there are some real concerns about safety and honesty.

So, here’s where tracking comes into play, and this article has everything you might need to know if you want to learn how to track someone on Instagram.

Why Do You Need to Track Instagram Account?

Some people are plain curious, others are constantly worried about safety, and for some, it’s the only way to learn what they can do to improve their business. If this sounds relatable, check out the paragraphs below for more information.

Protecting Kids and Loved Ones’ Safety

Instagram, with its huge user base and all sorts of content, can sometimes be risky. There’s stuff like inappropriate material, cyberbullying, or even predators. By learning how to track an Instagram account of a kid, parents and guardians can:

  • See who their kids are interacting with.
  • Check out the kind of content they’re engaging with.
  • Spot any red flags early, like interactions with strangers or harmful trends.

This approach also gives parents a chance to teach kids about safe online practices and digital etiquette. For older family members or those who might be vulnerable, monitoring their online activity can prevent them from falling for scams or misinformation.

Looking Up Suspicious Activities

Notice something fishy on Instagram? It’s a good idea to dig a bit deeper:

  • Sudden changes in how a loved one is interacting online.
  • Strange or out-of-the-blue messages.
  • Posts that seem out of character or suspicious.

These could be signs of something bigger. Maybe an employee is sharing confidential info or doing something that could harm the company’s rep. In personal relationships, strange Instagram behavior might hint at infidelity or dishonesty. In communities, spotting users spreading harmful or illegal content helps you alert the authorities and stop the spread.

Monitoring Online Activity

As was mentioned in the previous paragraph, keeping an eye on someone’s Instagram activity can come from both personal and work-related reasons. On the personal side, you might want to learn how to track an Instagram account so you’d be able to keep tabs on a partner to build trust, check in on your kids to make sure they’re safe, or look out for elderly family members to protect them from scam. For work, employers might check employees’ social media to protect the company’s image, prevent leaks, and make sure everyone’s following the rules. It’s also useful for keeping an eye on competitors, understanding market trends, and spotting new business opportunities.

Performing Market Research

Using Instagram for market research is all about watching how users behave, what they like, and how they interact to gather useful business insights. With Instagram’s huge user base and constantly changing content, it’s perfect for spotting trends and understanding what customers are thinking:

  • Track hashtags: They tell you what’s hot among users right now. Tracking them helps you spot new trends, see what’s buzzing, and even find new influencers or content creators who are blowing up.
  • Read comments: Comments are goldmines for real customer thoughts – their opinions, what they like, and what bugs them. Check out what folks are saying about your stuff and how they’re reacting to your competitors. It’s a great way to suss out common issues and get some love for your products.
  • Monitor engagement: Forget just likes — pay attention to how often your posts are shared, saved, or commented on. High engagement means you’re hitting the spot with your audience.
  • Spot trends: These include visual trends like photography styles and design vibes, as well as bigger industry shifts that affect how people shop. Staying ahead of trends lets you tweak your products or marketing to stay on point.
  • Identify issues: These could be product bugs, customer service headaches, or usability quirks. Sort these out quickly to keep customers happy and prevent any negative buzz.
  • Check out competitors: Check out their content strategy, promos, and how they chat with customers. Knowing what folks like about them helps you find your own groove and stand out from the pack.
  • Evaluate influencers: Don’t just count their followers – see how many comments, shares, or DMs they’re racking up. This helps you figure out if teaming up vibes with your brand and reach your target peeps.
  • Use user-generated content: User-generated content is like a real-life thumbs-up for your brand and builds trust with newbies. Encourage people to share their experiences with your stuff using a branded hashtag or run a fun contest. Then, show off the best of the best on your own profile.

Safeguarding Trust in Loved Ones

Keeping trust strong in relationships is super important, especially when social media can throw a wrench into things. Take Instagram, for example. It’s got private messaging and all sorts of ways for doubts to creep in. Sometimes, checking out what your partner is up to on Instagram can give you peace of mind about their loyalty and honesty. It clears up any worries that might not even be true and can make your bond even stronger. Seeing who they’re chatting with and what they’re posting helps keep things transparent.

Can You Track Someone on Instagram?

Even though Meta says you can’t track Instagram account, there are still ways to keep tabs on your favorite celebrities or see what your kids are up to on the app.

So, can you track someone on Instagram? The answer is yes. Besides the option of doing it yourself free of charge, some third-party tools make it super easy to see what someone is interested in, what their hobbies are, and even when they’re online. You can also check out what their friends like on Instagram! Plus, these tools can help parents keep an eye on what their kids are into and make sure they’re not seeing anything inappropriate.

How to Track Someone on Instagram? 5 Ways

Now, let’s talk about how to track someone on Instagram since you have figured out why you would want to do it. Below, you’ll find 5 efficient ways to find and check out a profile without the user being none the wiser.

Use Instagram Spy App by uMobix

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (2)

Alt tag: Instagram spy app by uMobix helps to monitor your kids’ and loved ones’ accounts

If you need to track Instagram account, the uMobix Instagram spy app is super handy. It gives you full access to Instagram on the target iPhone, letting you manage stuff like blocking users or unfollowing sketchy content. This is especially great for parents wanting to keep their kids safe online. For Android, the app snaps screenshots of every Instagram action and updates you every 10 seconds. You can pretty much see what’s happening on your child’s account almost live:

  • Track DMs
  • View private stories, posts, comments, likes, highlights, etc.
  • Restrict content
  • View real-time updates
  • Get full access to Instagram on iOS
  • See when they are online on IG

Setting it up is a breeze — just install the uMobix app on the target device or link it through iCloud for iOS. Once it’s all set, you can start monitoring through your user account. The app is designed to be user-friendly, and our support team is always there to assist with any questions, helping you learn how to trace an Instagram account if you have any trouble figuring it out yourself.

Track Recent Stories and Posts

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (3)

A simple way of learning how to track someone on Instagram is by regularly checking their recent posts and stories. These updates give you a peek into what’s going on in their life. Stories are especially useful because they’re often real-time updates with photos and videos of their current activities and locations. They might also include polls and location tags, which can give you even more info.

By keeping an eye on them, you can kind of figure out their routine and any big stuff happening in their world. It’s all low-key, too; there’s no need for fancy apps or tricks. Just by being observant and checking in often, you can gather a lot of useful info about what they’re up to and who they’re hanging out with.

Monitor Online Status

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (4)

Keeping an eye on someone’s online status on Instagram can actually tell you a lot about when they’re active. You know, those little green dots next to people’s profiles? That means they’re online right now. And in DMs, it shows you if they’re “Active now” or the last time they were active. It’s pretty handy if you want to figure out the best time to catch them on Insta.

For a parent, this is super useful to track Instagram account of your kid, making sure they’re not glued to the app all day, checking it out when they should be studying at school or scrolling late into the night. For everyone else, it’s just a sneaky way to see if someone’s around and doing stuff. Checking their online status is a subtle trick to get a sense of their habits without even chatting with them.

Follow Instagram Users Through a Fake Account

If you wanna track Instagram account without its owner knowing, following them incognito is the way to go. Just whip up a second account, and they won’t clock. Make sure it looks legit, though — put up a profile picture and drop a few posts — so it doesn’t seem sketchy. This way, you can snoop on their public posts, stories, and whatnot without tipping them off. This method works ’cause it lets you gather info on the sly, giving you the scoop without giving away your interest, whether you’re checking on your kid, keeping tabs on a partner, or just curious about a friend’s online life.

Conduct Reverse Image Searches

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (5)

Using reverse image lookup is a neat way to learn how to trace an Instagram account. This technique involves uploading an image or pasting its URL into search engines like Google. You will see where else the photo has been used online, which can help you find other social media profiles, blogs, or websites where the image appears. It’s especially useful for verifying if photos are authentic and identifying if someone is being impersonated or if their photos are being used without permission.

How to Find Someone’s Location on Instagram?

If just tracking someone’s online presence wasn’t enough for you, and you need to learn their actual location – fear not, we’ve got you. Here are 4 ways how to find someone’s location on Instagram:

Track Instagram Account by IP Address

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (6)

How to find someone’s location on Instagram in another way? Track their IP address (and it will be more accurate this way). Basically, you create a special link and send it to the person you’re interested in. When they click on that link, it captures their IP address. Then, you use an IP lookup service to figure out roughly where they are. Just remember, this method needs some tech know-how, and it’s important to use it responsibly and legally. One of the tools that can be used is

Check Instagram Post Location Tags

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (7)

A lot of Instagram posts have location tags that show where the photo or video was taken. You’ll see it under the username on the post. Clicking on this location tag can show you a map and other posts from the same spot.

Use Location Search from Instagram

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (8)

Can you see someone’s location on Instagram? Yes, you can, and the option to do so is quite simple. Instagram has a cool feature that allows you to search for posts from specific places. Just tap on the search icon, type in the location you’re curious about, and switch to the “Places” tab. You’ll see all the posts tagged with that location, which is great if you want to track events or see what’s going on in a particular area.

See Location Label

When someone tags a location in their Instagram post, you can click on the label to see where it is on a map. This can give you a good idea of where they’ve been hanging out, and you’ll be able to see their location as long as they’ve tagged it.

How to Track a Fake Instagram Account?

Finding a fake Instagram account can be like playing detective, but there are ways to sniff them out using the tools at your disposal. Here’s how to track a fake Instagram account:

  • About This Account feature: Go to the sketchy profile, tap the three dots (…) in the corner, and hit ‘About This Account’. This gives you info like when it was created, where it’s supposedly from, and any username changes. Watch for signs like a super new account, lots of name swaps, or info that just doesn’t add up.
  • Inconsistent content: Check if what they claim matches their posts. If they say they’re a fitness fanatic, but their pics are random or low-quality, something’s fishy. Look for weird hashtags or comments that seem fake and automated.
  • Weird comments: Fake accounts drop vague comments that don’t fit the post. Keep an eye out for the same comments on different posts or ones that look copy-pasted.
  • Follower-following ratio: Real folks usually have followers and follow a similar number. Fakes often follow tons but have few followers to seem more popular.
  • Bio clues: Read their bio closely for anything that feels off—like too much hype, loads of links, or bad grammar. These are often red flags for a fake.
  • Direct messages (DMs): Beware of random DMs with weird links or messages that just don’t click with you. If it seems too good to be true or totally unrelated to your interests, it might be a faker trying to pull a fast one.
  • Promo or spam posts: If their posts are all about sketchy deals or wild giveaways, that’s a major hint it’s not on the level. Look for posts that seem robotic or just don’t jive with real life.
  • Profile pic and username: Fakes often use random pics or swipe someone else’s. Their username might have extra symbols or look totally random.
  • Report it: If you’re pretty sure it’s a faker or someone’s pretending to be you, report them straight to Instagram. They’ve got tools to suss out the truth and can kick out any fakers breaking the rules.
How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (9)


It’s possible to track Instagram account pretty easily these days, and the why of the question can be endless. Everyone would have the use of an Insta tracker, whether they are parents looking out for their kids, a business owner worried about security, or just a nosy friend.

And if you’re interested in a bit of snooping, uMobix’s Instagram spy app is great for checking up on what’s going on while simultaneously staying anonymous.

How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (10)

Harry Nichols


Harry is a father and a professional digital security consultant who has dedicated his career to helping parents control their children's internet activity. In this blog, he provides valuable tips and recommendations on effectively using programs and tools for parental control. Harry aims to support parents in creating a safe and healthy digital environment for their children.

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How to Track Someone on Instagram? uMobix Guide (2024)


Is it possible to track someone through Instagram? ›

Can I see someone's location on Instagram without them knowing? No, Instagram does not provide a feature to view someone's location without their consent. Users can only see the location of those who have chosen to share it with them.

Can you track what someone looks at on Instagram? ›

No you can't know when someone is looking at your profile or stalking you the only way you'll know is if you ever share a story you can check who viewed it.

Can you track who stalks you on Instagram? ›

Instagram will not tell you who your stalkers are, but there are clues embedded within the app's stories feature. Post a story. The order of the viewers on your Instagram story may indicate who is stalking your profile.

How to track an Instagram fake account? ›

9 ways to spot fake Instagram accounts
  1. Tip 1: Use Instagram's 'About this account' feature. ...
  2. Tip 2: Inconsistent content. ...
  3. Tip 3: Inconsistent bio. ...
  4. Tip 4: Spammy DMs. ...
  5. Tip 5: Random or irrelevant comments. ...
  6. Tip 6: Offer money or promote products and services aggressively. ...
  7. Tip 7: Poor follower-to-following ratio.
May 16, 2024

Can you track visitors on Instagram? ›

You can't see who views your Instagram profile, but you can see who views stories and videos. For Instagram stories, you can see exactly who viewed your story while it's still live. For video posts, you can only see the total number of views and users who've liked the posts.

Is there a tracker for Instagram? ›

IG Track, an Instagram Tracker, offers insight for Instagram user to follow and unfollow easily. IG Track - Instagram Follower & Unfollower Tracker, help you to check fake followers, track and analyze your followers and unfollowers to find those who do not follow back on Instagram, discover your lost followers.

How can I see what my husband looks at on Instagram? ›

Eyezy – This app is renowned for its powerful capabilities. It gives you access to messages and photos as well as detailed activity reports about your partner's activities on Instagram.

How can I see who my boyfriend interacts with on Instagram? ›

By navigating his 'Following' list and keeping an eye out for newer accounts at the top, you might discover his recent following activity. Another strategy is to pay attention to accounts that he frequently interacts with, as well as accounts that follow him back. These could potentially indicate recent connections.

Is there a free location tracker for Instagram? ›

In case you are looking for a trusted location tracker, there is no better option than iStaunch. The free web-based tool is specifically designed to get the location of any Instagram account within a few clicks. To use this tracker, you need to have the Instagram username of the account you want to track.

Is Instagram stalking illegal? ›

Some stalkers harass you with less threatening but still unwanted contact. The use of technology to stalk, sometimes called “cyberstalking,” involves using the Internet, email, or other electronic communications to stalk someone. Stalking is against the law.

Can someone see how many times you viewed their Instagram profile? ›

The short answer to that question is no. Let's delve into its details. Instagram does not allow an algorithm or mechanism to share the statistics of story or profile views. Even if you watch a story a hundred times, the owner can only see your name once and only for one day.

How to find someone on Instagram with a phone number? ›

Instagram doesn't have a direct phone number search function. Instead, the method involves inviting the person via SMS through your contacts, which only works if their number is linked to their Instagram account. This method primarily works for public profiles.

How do I track someone on Instagram? ›

Method #1: Get a Monitoring App Like mSpy

mSpy has a built-in Instagram location tracker that shows you their location, even if they've figured out how to hide location on Instagram. Just install mSpy on their device, and you'll have access to your own mSpy account.

Can a fake Instagram be traced back to you? ›

While it's not guaranteed, a fake Instagram account could potentially be traced back to you through methods like IP address tracking, metadata examination, social engineering, or legal requests, especially if used for malicious purposes.

Can you find out who a fake Instagram account belongs to? ›

Perform a Reverse Username Lookup

Using tools like BeenVerified, you can find key info tied to a username. This might reveal the person's real name, phone number, or email address, aiding in their identification. Some people make fake Instagram accounts, posing as someone else or for scams.

Can Instagram track users? ›

And it doesn't just collect your data from the app—other info Instagram collects from your device includes your contacts, location, and other apps and websites that you access. Here are the main types of information that Instagram tracks and collects: Instagram track your habits.

Can Instagram messages be traced? ›

Your all activity on internet is binded to a dedicated host of IP which has a record of whatever you do on internet and inside a website or an app. Hence Instagram direct messages can be traced too.

Can police track IP address from Instagram? ›

Yes, they can get your name and address from Instagram and your ISP. To a degree. They can easily get your IP address from Instagram with a court order and then they can take that IP address to your ISP with a court order for your address.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.